I bring a multi-disciplinary research approach, setting forth a new path to explore how social factors shape life for survivors of chronic disease.

Follow Us

Lorraine T. Dean, ScD
Dr Dean Lab, LLC
Baltimore, MD 21205
Email: drltdean@gmail.com
Twitter: @drltdean



Courses Dr. Dean Teaches

Methods for Assessing Power, Privilege,
and Public Health in the United States

Illness and health do not happen in a vacuum, nor are they distributed randomly throughout society – they are structured by power and privilege. What are the strengths and limitations of the methods used to study these forces and their impacts on health? How do these structures influence our interpretation of data and how does this translate to the real world? This service-learning course allows you to reflect on your own privilege as a scientist as you integrate social epidemiology concepts with quantitative epidemiological skills and apply them to a data-driven health project.



Contact Dr. Dean

This course was one of the best I have taken in the entirety of my academic career. I valued that it balanced lessons about methods with deep conversations around power and privilege.

Methods for Assessing Power, Privilege, and Public Health in the United States Student

Advanced Seminar in Social Epidemiology

Offers doctoral students an opportunity to synthesize theories and methodologies from the social and behavioral sciences and epidemiology. Highlights current controversies and practices in the evolving field of social epidemiology. Topics include: (a) the role of theory in epidemiology, (b) fundamental causes and the problem of “distality”, (c) how social factors affect the body, (d) modeling of social factors and health, and (e) area-based influences on health. Course is oriented toward research rather than practice.




Contact Dr. Dean

Dr. Dean is an incredible professor who is committed to pushing her students to think critically around social epidemiology and wider public health”

Advanced Seminar in Social Epidemiology

Foundations of Social Epidemiology

The influence of social context on behavior is well known, and forms the backbone for most health promotion interventions; we focus initially on how the social environment influences behavior, by shaping norms, reinforcing social control, providing environmental opportunity, and coping strategies.


Summer Institute, online:

I definitely learned a lot from this class and it really changed the way now I think about epidemiology.

Foundations of Social Epidemiology Student

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