As a social epidemiologist, I research how individual- and neighborhood-level social and economic factors contribute to health disparities and health outcomes for those managing chronic disease. Methodologically my focus is on using multi-level modeling, GIS, and propensity scores to explore how healthcare system distrust, residential segregation, social capital, and other macro-level contextual factors influence health disparities and individual survivorship outcomes for those with chronic disease. I have PI on NIH grants (F31, K01, 2 R21s), a J. William Grant Scholar grant, and institutional grants that explore the social determinants of screening and survivorship for cancer and HIV.
Prior to my time in academia, I led a $13 million tobacco policy and control initiative in Philadelphia, PA. This policy role has had lasting impact on the City of Philadelphia, resulting in 40,000 fewer smokers and permanent legislative changes affecting 1.5 million Philadelphians. Through that policy work, my efforts have had impact by moving the needle toward better health for populations and I am returned to academia to be part of building the evidence base for chronic disease policies and programs. Because of this background, I bring a multi-disciplinary research approach, setting forth a new path to explore how social factors shape life for survivors of chronic disease.
2021 Advising, Mentoring and Teaching Recognition Award (AMTRA), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2020 Distinguished Senior Investigator, AcademyHealth Disparities Interest Group
2019 Diversity Recognition Award, Johns Hopkins University Diversity Leadership Council
2019 Delta Omega Award for Innovative Public Health Curriculum, Delta Omega National Office
2018 Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching
2018 NIH Early Career Review Program Member
2017 Faculty Innovation Award, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
2016 NCI National Minority Health Month Spotlight: Career Development
2015 Invited Fellow, Professional Development and Mock Review Workshop, NCI/Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities
2015 Outstanding Investigator Award, Susan G. Komen Society
2015 Community Impact Award, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc Lancaster Alumni Chapter
2009 John Piersol McCaskey Distinguished Alumni Award
2005 Grantee, William J. Fulbright Program